Relax your body and mind with your Voice

Listen & practice with your personal master : your BodyVoice.

Below are some free audio resources to experiment practical exercises from the BodyVoice flow practice. 


Relax your face with your Voice

Relaxation begins with an inner smile…
In this exploration, you will learn 3 ways to release tension in your face to induce relaxation in your whole body.

Relax your fascia  tissue with your Voice

This guided BodyVoice exploration will especially benefit you if you encounter chronic pain, if you experience physical tightness in your artistic practice and if you simply need to release any tension.

Relax your guts with your Voice

The belly is often a painful place for the highly sensitive persons.
In this vocal and somatic exploration, your hands and your voice will provide you relaxation, joy, self-compassion.

'Relax... with your Voice' Series

Click on the link below to receive this series of audio tracks.

BONUS > One Priority : your Comfort !

Your comfort zone is a place from which you can both restore and thrive. In this guided meditation, you will reconnect to easiness and inner security in your body and your mind. Plus, you will discover a powerful technique to alleviate discomfort in daily situations

This meditation is more specifically addressed to you if you navigate life with chronic pain, PTSD, social anxiety, or neurodivergence.