With formal words aka as “professional version”
Marion Dorval is a hybrid artist (poetr writer, vocalist, performer in nature) and a Bodyvoice flow practitioner living in France. Her creations follow a thread vibrating with these topics: body and mind intimacy, identities, Life Creative process, vocal improvisation and all the resonances in the aliveness through all shapes.
Entering meditation practice more than 27 years ago and teaching for 20 years to a multi-age audience navigating life with various forms of high sensitivity led her to found her own holistic and creative practice. The Body.voice.words approach she created aims to free our Voice and dare to lead our journey, in harmony with our true deepest nature.
The Bodyvoice flow practice is designed for sensitive and creative persons, artists as well as leaders who want to nourish and vivify their personal path and their Art. This practice is a whole medicine in itself that teaches us how to take care of the Self, bodymind, the inner child, and most important : to take care of the living connection between all sensitive beings.

A storytelling version – with the eye of the “I”
My quest for life meaning started in my early childhood. Questions such as Why am here? What stand beyond the universe? “kept spinning in my head. I wanted to know and understand everything about the universe and religions. I have experienced childhood depression, a sign of a wounded soul shaped in existential anxiety. Yet at the same time, joy has always been there and singing was my first initiation path: it looked like a bubble of lightness, a deep feeling of reliance to the world, a space-time to create and play freely…
My career doesn’t seem linear and yet every step brought me closer to my early aspirations: becoming a pastry chef or a singer to create and live within beauty, goodness, harmony. In truth, I don’t want a job, I just want to be a saint in a bionic superwoman body, an indefinable kind of ascetic heroine.
At ten years old, I discovered yoga with joy – I have always continued to practice since, adapting my practice to my body and heart. In the meantime, I delve into readings from practices of different esoteric currents as well as alternative medicines of the time. I am passionate about the comparison of religions, the healing power of food, I read for the first time Arnaud Desjardins (a spiritual teacher) thanks to a teacher from the high school. I devour many books of psychology to try to understand myself and the world in which I do not see how to take my place, because I feel so inadequate.

At eighteen years old, I began following the Buddhist practice to quickly feel called by the zen. After my degree in nutrition and food engineering, I become a classroom teacher, finally hoping for a job in accordance with my values as a shy girl, organic vegetarian with a minimalist tendency and seeking social justice… A rich experience of the transmission of vocal and theatrical improvisation, body expression, to children, makes me feel that there is a wider framework to experiment for me. At that time I was also training to vocal jazz and singing pedagogy, with the impression that this is my real life and that the rest is a lie to survive.
I leave the sclerotic ranks of National Education in favor of a burn out. The discovery of my douance during this period led me to resume studies in sociolinguistics and FLE (French as a foreign language). As a freelance teacher, I specialize in the likes of ‘random’ with particularly sensitive, gifted, dyslexic children. and with foreign adults or in the course of vocational integration. Then I realized that my work with children was also a way of repairing myself by reviving the little girl in me.
I finally start teaching singing with the desire to situate myself in a holistic approach that alchimises voice, body and words. Gradually, over the years, I weave my own practice by feeding it with my own personal and educational experiences. The psychocorporal approaches like Feldenkrais and Alexander, the vocal techniques focused on body care as well as yoga, complete the alliance of my meditative practice with that of singing. I discover that I have this ability to reconnect adults with the child in them, therefore with their soul. I unlock the locks that still separate them from the expression of their deep nature, by making them access to the source of their Voice and Journey.

Since then, my practice has been to unlearn, to go back to the heart of what makes the Presence to Self and to the world, to lay down the masks and live its truth through this magical channel and “that-creates” which is our Voice.
This is how my way of living my body-voice-words became my way…
I am also an author, engaged in a practice of writing incarnate that connects the intimate to the universal.
I create poetic performance-rituals in nature, halfway between butoh dance and vocal improvisation. Although I do not claim to be of any particular current, my personal path is deeply marked by the Zen Buddhist teaching that I nourish with my Christian faith and vice versa. I have been in spiritual environments that are apparently resonant but in which I have found what I had fled from institutional frameworks: domination by knowledge or social affiliation, sex, age, the rigidity of concepts that castrate the child within me. Since then, I have been quietly navigating my own path, outside of dogma while connecting more with inspiring people than collectives.

As everyone, I am made of numerous facets.
As everyone, I have come through challenges, some of them coming with neurodivergence. I walk on a path of resilience towards inner peace. The soul can be gracefully healed by the Voice. And so can the Body and the Mind.
My transmission aims to reunify the diverse facets of the Self to allow you to reveal to yourself and to the world, in attunment to your true deep nature.
My ingredients are softness, intimate listening of the body, energetic resonance of sounds, playfulness.
My main tools are vocal improvisation and mindfulness.
Through the Bodyvoice flow practice, we get access to the doorway of the Self by simply allowing ourselves to play with our Voice and to fully live in the here and now of our Body’s reality. This doorway opens you infinite possibilities of self-realization as well as a deep sense of belonging.
I am here to help you find the inner source of your true Voice, to understand your somatic, cognitive and creative functioning so that you can make free choices in your life. To move forward on the simple and joyful path of being oneself in this world, and vibrate our singular essence.